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Welcome to the #HandsOff Challenge. The concept of this challenge was birthed from a collaboration of fear and inspiration. Allow us to expound:


The past several months have been some of the scariest, loneliest, and most worrisome times, not just for the world, but for us all individually. The Coronavirus has forced businesses to shut down or furlough their employees, others have lost their jobs, healthcare, and homes, and the hits keep coming. Life has, quite literally, been turned upside down. Though we are all feeling the stress of this pandemic, children have been especially affected. With schools nation-wide shut down, children are now confined to their homes. This has caused horrific results in child abuse spikes. Kids who were already living with abuse have ended up in hospitals, or even dead. There has been a significant increase in child abuse cases from kids who were not previously exposed. Hospitals are reporting an escalation of cases since the pandemic initiated. Families who were previously dual-income have had to resort to one parent staying home with their child(ren), building upon the frustration and anger within. We work so hard trying to keep life running smoothly for our youth, but naturally, they may still feel confused and afraid. Kids do not understand what’s going on the way adults do. They have no control and no outlets to express themselves and feel heard. Children are people with feelings, bad days, needs, and fears. It is absolutely vital to prioritize ways in which we can safeguard their emotional stability and physical wellness. Creating worldwide awareness regarding child abuse and neglect needs to be a standard we hold ourselves to. When we say worldwide, we mean WORLDWIDE- not just in the U.S.


Ultimately, the fear of what is to come creeps into our minds with the possibility of many more months of seclusion looming. With so many unknowns in our future, frustration and anger, depression and anxiety, stress, and resentment are running rampant. This perfect storm of emotions and doubt is  a volcano on the verge of eruption. We need to come together as a united front to curb the rage and turmoil that has grown amongst the population. People tend to hate concepts they do not understand. With so many leaders and media outlets reporting conflicting information and opposing ideals, the bulk of society is fed up and taking matters into their own hands- refusing to wear face masks, rebelling against government orders, and consequently attaching their anger to whoever is nearby. When people become panicked and fearful, the world resorts to cruelty instead of understanding. It is the ultimate recipe for violence.  


Let’s be clear: violence in ANY FORM against ANYONE is wrong, but violence against children is especially unacceptable. Children are our future. They are innocent souls who are not capable of comprehending the world in the way we do. On average, it takes 25 years for a child’s brain to fully develop. Imagine dealing with all the complexities the Covid-19 virus has brought to the world, while the psychology of your brain is still evolving. Children have been displaced from their schools, friends, extended family, and their daily activities. They NEED structure and routine and have only had it ripped out from beneath them. Protecting them is imperative. Many of us have lost sleep at night with the thought of child abuse cases rising tenfold. 


This is where the inspiration for the #HandsOff Challenge comes into play. It’s important to teach children health and wellness. Physical health and mental health go hand-in-hand. And so, this important movement and concept was born. The pinnacle of the movement began when our founder and his daughter would do sit-ups in sync, clapping hands together as they counted out loud. It’s not only something they both enjoyed, it was being able to spend time together and get out some of the pent up aggressions that ensued. It provided a safe way to express themselves and exhaust one another to become more focused, present, and relaxed for the duration of the day.  

So, here we are. The #HandsOff Challenge is made to raise awareness regarding child abuse and neglect. It is critical for parents to realize the importance of keeping your hands off your kids and harnessing your frustration and anger so you can take it out WITH them instead of ON them. Kids need release too. They need to be able to feel like they have control over something. They have the right to feel a sense of accomplishment. The point of the challenge is to change your target of irritation. Let’s focus on the mental, emotional, and physical health of ourselves and our kids. We should infuse our relationships with healthy, communicative, and purposeful choices so that the pandemic remains our common enemy, rather than battling against one another. 


Do your part. Be purposeful. Think before you act. Above all, actively look for ways to safely and appropriately manage to express your aggression. Never release your anger on your kids, but rather WITH your kids.  




1) Film a video of you and your child(ren), or go solo if you aren’t a parent, doing 10 sit-ups. Count them out loud, "1, 2..." and replace "10" with a loud "HANDS OFF”!


2) Nominate three friends! Call them out in the video by name. 


4) Upload your video to all your social media channels using #HandsOff.


3) Tag your nominations in the post.


4) If you REALLY want to help out, include our t-shirt donation link in your bio on Instagram or incorporate it in your post on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and/or Pinterest. Don't forget to order one for yourself and your little one(s)!

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